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Shocking New Evidence On How To Cancel Out The Effects Of Alcohol


By Kevin DDonato MS, CES

There is one activity that you probably do on the weekends
—or some nights during the week—that could be leading to extreme weight gain (depends on how much).

It could also lead to your death—if you’re not careful.  What activity is it?


Now, I agree there are plenty of benefits to having a drink or two at night.

It’s been shown to improve heart health, may reduce your risk for diabetes, and may even decrease your risk for having an ischemic stroke.

But again, this is light drinking—only a glass or two a night.

More than that and you could be putting your health—and life—at risk!

Studies show that heavy drinking could lead to cancer, diabetes, heart disease, memory problems, and weight gain.

Now, up until recently, it was believed there was no way to reverse the damage associated with drinking.

But that was then, and this is now…

A new study shows some pretty promising results…

Exercise and Alcohol Intake

Have you ever seen someone working out hard on a Friday night, only to go out and drink a ton and eat a bunch of greasy food?

I am sure you have!  And, I am sure you’ve been one of them before!

The truth is, people believe that exercising will cancel out the negative effects of alcohol. 

Now, it probably won’t do much for your weight loss, but exercise MAY actually reverse the negative effects of alcohol—especially when it comes to cancer risk.

And it may also reduce all-cause mortality as well!

But here’s the catch—you need to do the RECOMMENDED amount of exercise per week—which is 150 minutes of moderate cardiovascular work.  That includes swimming, running, brisk walking, and biking.

According to the research, exercise may actually cancel out all the negative cancer-causing effects of drinking too much.

It may also reduce your risk for dying from any number of diseases!

However, exercise did NOT cancel out the negative effects of heavy drinking.

Take Home Message

Everyone likes to have a fun night out on the weekend.  And, a fun night may include drinking alcohol.

As one of the most abused activities, the experts warn that excessive drinking may lead to health problems.

However, if you’re one who rarely drinks—or only on occasion and not a lot—you may be in luck!

A new study shows that doing 150 minutes a week of moderate intensity cardiovascular exercise may negate the ill effects of drinking.

However, this does not apply to heavy drinking.

So, if you want to reduce your disease risk and improve your longevity, you may want to be sure you’re doing the recommended amount of exercise each week!